For love is all there is

for love is all there is

When it seems that there are times of trouble ahead, find your inner truth before you start to speak.
Find the love that resonates in your heart, spread that feeling throughout your body. Breathe it into every part of you. Feel it as it penetrates into each and every cell that awaits its power and see them bask in its light.
Then ask your soul again, what is the answer? It will call back to you, as it always does, ‘the answer dear one, is love. You just needed to be reminded, to feel it once again so that you might know its truth’.
Love is here, it never left you. The only question people are ever truly asking is ‘am I loved’, the only true answer you can ever give is ‘yes you are, more than you will ever know’.
When you ask ‘what should I do next’ what you ask in truth is ‘will I be loved if I take a certain path’. When you ask ‘should I end this relationship?’ you ask in truth ‘if I leave, will love leave too’? When you say ‘I don’t know which to choose’ you are saying ‘I don’t know which I will love more’. If we could know that whatever we choose it will not affect how much we are loved, perhaps then we could move forward without fear, act without fear and love without fear.

#love #truth #fear

This moment is all there needs to be

Slow down and enjoy this moment, don’t race on to the next chapter of life hoping ‘then’ will be the time at which self realization will occur. All you need is already here, you are staring into the mirror of perfection…just pause long enough and it will reveal itself to you.

Loves gentle hand

When you find that love that lifts you up into the night like a gentle hand come to rescue you from the storms, don’t taint it with rejection, enfold it with your heart and protect it with the same reverence it entrusted to you.

Find your voice

Finding your voice can be hard in a world of noise and bluster.

Be bold enough to speak the words that fight to stay silent behind your wall of fear.

Your words are your soul expressed. Choose them wisely, speak them clearly and then listen intently to the echos that come back from the world.

The Ghost of Me

When all else fails you are the heart strings pulling me closer

When love feels distant you are the call that raises me to my feet once more

When sorrow enters my soul you dive to catch it, hold it close to your heart so it might turn to love again

You are the horizon I can’t see beyond, the light that I can’t catch, the hand I reach for

You are the peace that falls over my eyes and gently closes them

You are the ghost of me.

Love itself

The best thing about life is that when you are living it you forget to worry.

Never forget to dream, feel  your heart uplift you as you indulge in those words and feelings that come to you in the moment. Feel nothing but the joy and life that runs through your veins, let this feeling uplift you, find you and comfort you.

Bring into your life as much love as you can. You are the bringer of light and love into your own life and into the lives of others , Never be afraid to show that you are love itself and that you can be the way and the light for your own path.

Your path is not determined by who you think you are but by what you really are, embrace the time available to nurture this deeply loving side to yourself.

You are the wonder of the world, the world marvels at who you are and wants to delve deeper into your soul to find the magic there.

Find your magic and display its  wonder to the world.

You are loved.