The gap under the bed

We all dream of love, hope for someone to be there for the journey, to carry us for a while until we are strong enough to carry on alone. You ask yourself, does the person who will scoop you up and lay you somewhere warm and safe for a while as they watch lovingly over you actually exist? Not even parents always manage that, they miss the moment that their child is desperately afraid of the imagined snake under the bed and long for their parent to carry them into their bed for a few hours where they can feel the ultimate safety of loving arms around them. Instead we tell them there is no snake, perhaps pretend to slay the imagined snake or just prove that the dark gap under the bed is in fact empty. We know that the dark gap is not hiding any snakes, but that is not the point. The point is the darkness holds uncertainty, it holds fear and we want to be protected. We want the safety of a cuddle, the reassurance that everything is just as it should be. We want the fear to be taken away, the darkness to be removed, for only love to be felt. We want no room under the bed for snakes.

Check under the bed for the fears that fill your night and reach out your hand as I take it and carry you to safety.

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