When you feel alone…

Loneliness is  your heart’s call to your soul. It’s cry is one of a need for recognition, a need for the soul to speak out and be heard. A need for the soul to come to the fore and express it’s truth. When the soul has become tightly wrapped in fear the heart starts to panic about it’s worthiness. The heart has forgotten who the soul really is.

Once the soul is set free and allowed to exist without fear, the loneliness of the heart will disappear.

If the heart and soul within you are one, neither can ever be lonely.

Finding your path

When you are starting out upon the path of joy you might find that they are kinks in the road that throw you off, that cause you to stumble and that create a fall that make you question whether this is a path of joy at all. DO not fear that you are on the right path, just pick up the rocks and stones in your way and place them safely to one side so that no one else will trip up once you have moved on. Do not curse the falls that occur, they are just markers of where you need to make the path clearer for others, where you need to become more awake, where you need to be looking where you are going or where you need to examine the ground you are walking on more closely to see whether there is something you missed. Move the stones, don’t veer off into the forest. Hold your path and thank the stumbles for awakening you.

Be Lighthearted


When we are lighthearted as we go through life we understand that those things that are daunting to us, those things that leave us worried or afraid, are nothing but potential future anecdotes for us to share. When we imagine we are the comedian on stage, retelling our mishaps and mistakes as a universal joke that we all relate to, we see that life is made for laughing and the best thing we can do when things go wrong is to imagine how we might tell the story in a few weeks/months/years time so that others might find our silliness endearing and unite them with us as they learn with relief that we all mess up and we can all laugh in the face of our own fallible nature.



Anger is a natural emotion, violence is not a natural reaction.

Next time you feel the anger building in your chest, remind yourself that this is just an indication that you need to let the negative emotion go. It’s ok to feel that anger, it is useful to you to have this feeling. It is not ok to use your anger to harm others verbally, mentally or physically.

Teach this to your children and we can change the world.

Sing a different song

my hopes and dreams

There is not a life that you need to ‘dream’ about. There is not a day when everything will be ‘perfect’.

There is not a laugh that is imperfect, a song that does not seek to lift you up, a line that does not speak to you, a book that does not have a message – if you are awake.

Everything you need and want is in your heart already, it is there waiting for you to acknowledge it, to sing for it, to laugh for it, to read to it, to love it and to cherish it.

There is not a life that you dream about, this is your life, you have dreamed of this. If the dream is not singing to you, change the dream and hear the song it sings for you.

There is not a perfect day waiting in the distant future that you have to strive to get to, this is the perfect day, everyday is perfect, perfect for where you are, who you are and where you are going.

If you don’t like the day, sing a different song.

Life is lovingly waiting for you to come up with the tune that it can dance joyfully to.

Hold my hand

enjoy the journey text

Find me wherever you are by calling my name and feeling my love quench the thirst that is in you for more.

I will hold your hand as we take the next step together.

You are never alone, I hear your every tentative tiptoe and prepare the ground for the tremors you will send through the earth as your feet touch it.

However lightly you tread do not fear that you go unheard into the world. Every step brings with it a signal so strong that you cannot help but send your message about who you are far and wide.

Hold my hand, tread surely.

Never doubt


“You are perfectly imperfect, beautifully broken”.

Never doubt the beauty and wonder of you. Whatever face you present to the world, there is such majesty at the heart of you that it cannot be spoken in words. If only you could feel the tenderness of your own heart you would never again question your own worthiness.

The gap under the bed

We all dream of love, hope for someone to be there for the journey, to carry us for a while until we are strong enough to carry on alone. You ask yourself, does the person who will scoop you up and lay you somewhere warm and safe for a while as they watch lovingly over you actually exist? Not even parents always manage that, they miss the moment that their child is desperately afraid of the imagined snake under the bed and long for their parent to carry them into their bed for a few hours where they can feel the ultimate safety of loving arms around them. Instead we tell them there is no snake, perhaps pretend to slay the imagined snake or just prove that the dark gap under the bed is in fact empty. We know that the dark gap is not hiding any snakes, but that is not the point. The point is the darkness holds uncertainty, it holds fear and we want to be protected. We want the safety of a cuddle, the reassurance that everything is just as it should be. We want the fear to be taken away, the darkness to be removed, for only love to be felt. We want no room under the bed for snakes.

Check under the bed for the fears that fill your night and reach out your hand as I take it and carry you to safety.